Frequently Asked Questions

Nutritional Therapy

How does the consultation process work?

  • A pre-consultation is a free 20 minute chat during which we discuss your health condition and goals.


  • During an initial consultation, we deep dive into your health history, diet and lifestyle to establish imbalances and triggers that may be contributing to your health condition. After this thorough assessment, we design a personalised Nutrition & Lifestyle Action Plan to meet your specific needs and recommend functional tests and nutrition supplements if necessary.


  • In follow-up consultations, we review your progress and make adjustments to your Nutrition & Lifestyle Action Plan and supplement protocol as necessary, ensuring your goals are being met, and symptoms and health are improving.


For more detailed information on the process and pricing click below:

How many consultations will I need?

It all depends on your condition, health history and commitment. Restoring health is not a linear process and requires patience as well as dedication.


  • For less serious issues, patients may only require a couple of sessions to feel the benefits. We recommend a minimum of 1-2 follow-up sessions.


  • For more complex health issues, more sessions spread over a longer period of time are recommended so that we can monitor your progress more comprehensively. Many patients have been seeing us periodically for several years. Others come and see us once or twice a year for a ‘check up’, like taking a car for a service!

Are consultations online or in-person?

During the pandemic we transitioned to being a completely online clinic, supporting clients in the UK and abroad.


Consultations are conducted via phone or video call whenever and wherever suits you. Online therapy is practical, comfortable and efficient, saving you time and money.

How much do nutritional consultations cost?

Nutritional consultations vary in price according to the type and length of consultation.


For more information on pricing click the button below.

Is my personal data and health information kept confidential?

Absolutely. We operate with total confidentiality and keep your data secure, complying with the requirements of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


In cases where we need to speak with your GP about a medical issue, we will always seek your consent.

What is the refund policy?

Consultations are non-refundable after 14 days from the date of payment, however you can still schedule and use your session at any time that is convenient for you.

Functional Testing

How does Functional Testing work?

Functional tests are advanced diagnostic health tests that cover a broad range of conditions. Most tests can be taken easily by you in your own home. Some tests require blood draw from a practitioner (phlebotomist) which we can arrange for you.


Based on your condition, we book the appropriate test to assess your biomarkers and identify imbalances in your body that may be contributing to illness. The process is simple:


  1. Book a test to your home
  2. Take the test and return it to the lab via post/courier *
  3. The lab processes the test and sends us the results
  4. We translate this scientific data into a report and go through this with you in a follow-up consultation
  5. We use these findings to guide your therapy, implementing it into your Nutrition & Lifestyle Action Plan
* Please note return postage is not included in the cost of the test.

How much do Functional Tests cost?

We work with the leading diagnostic labs in the UK, Ireland & USA. We are transparent and up front about costs and these will always be explained to you before going ahead. There are many types of test with varying complexities, and we always do our best to work to your budget as your health is our main concern.


  • Functional tests vary in price according to the type, complexity & amount of biomarkers involved. The cost of functional tests is additional to the cost of a nutritional consultation.


  • Comprehensive analysis and interpretation of your functional test results varies according to their complexity, starting from £75.00.


  • Simple tests such as: full blood count, liver & kidney function, glucose, vitamin D3, iron and some others are free of charge through your GP with a supporting letter from us as your practitioner to justify the reasons for testing.

When can I expect my results and what happens next?

Many tests have to be shipped internationally and turnaround time is usually between 15-21 working days. Once we receive the results, we analyse and interpret the data and translate these findings to present to you in a follow-up consultation.

Lifestyle Coaching

What's involved in Lifestyle Coaching?

A Functional Medicine practitioner uses a holistic approach to their practice that goes far beyond simply advising you on diets and nutrition.


Lifestyle coaching is a type of therapy that integrates the fundamental aspects of your health – known as the body, mind and spirit connection – through positive psychology, emotional support and Neuro-Linguistic-Programming (NLP).


This approach reeducates, reprograms and motivates you to be fully conscious of your food and lifestyle decisions and fully realise the transformative effect these choices have in your life.


Your conditioning and unconscious habits play a huge role in your health and can either limit or empower you on your journey to restoring health. Many people are unaware of this until they encounter functional medicine.

Is Lifestyle Coaching included in my nutritional consultations?

Yes. Lifestyle coaching is a fundamental part of our approach to nutritional therapy and is integrated into your nutritional consultations at no extra cost.

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